Bun is the best alternative to npm
Bun is the best alternative to the NPM package manager and it is up to 25x faster. I’ve been using NPM for a long time but it takes more…
You can find blogs related to web programming such as HTML, CSS, Javascript, React Gatsbyjs, etc
Bun is the best alternative to the NPM package manager and it is up to 25x faster. I’ve been using NPM for a long time but it takes more…
A website can make it easier for customers to find you and learn about your products and services. It can also help you reach a wider…
Sanity io consists of Sanity Studio and Sanity database. Sanity Studio is a headless CMS that connects to the Sanity database and provides…
The button is the call-to-action on the website. We can use CSS hover and active effects to add interaction to the button. For example, when…
Gatsby is a React-based framework that can be used to create static and dynamic websites. Most React developers would think why would we…
In this blog, we’ll learn how to submit the form programmatically using Puppeteer and 2Captcha. I’ll be working on my previous Netlify form…
2Captcha is a CAPTCHA recognition service and is primarily used to solve CAPTCHAs in a quick and accurate manner. You can learn more about…
In this section, we learn how to create an image slider using javascript. We are adding functionality to this image slider by adding a left…
Netlify forms allow you to manage forms and submissions without writing any server-side code or JavaScript. As soon as the form is deployed…
Html stands for hypertext markup language. It is used to define the foundation, skeleton and structure of the website e.g. text, images and…
The input element in the HTML is used to take the user’s input. The user’s input can be of any type e.g. bank account, decimal digits, phone…
In this blog, I share with you a brief roadmap on how you can start to code and build your website online. To start writing code, you first…
Today, we have many options when it comes to choosing a technology and framework for building a website. In this blog, I’ll walk through…
Working remotely means managing a lot of work, and all you want to do is manage your time efficiently. I have compiled some productivity…
Absolute and relative positioning are both used to position HTML elements in relation to a reference point. Recently, I used absolute and…
A pseudo-class is used to define (or style) special state of an HTML elements. They are useful in a variety of situations. e.g. Change the…
In this section, we learn how to create image slider using HTML and CSS. You can view the full source code at the below link. https…
There are many online platforms for selling courses online, however, I found a few limitations. For the course platform, I would like more…
Custom react hooks is a JavaScript function allows you to add feature/functionality to your react application. We can reuse react hooks code…
The HTML form is used to collect user input data. We can validate the input data from the client side (JavaScript) before sending it to the…
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is a two-dimension vector-based graphic, ** supports animation and interaction**. SVG can be rendered to any…
To create a responsive text, we can adjust font properties based on the browser size. On the mobile screen, text should be large enough so…
Promise in JavaScript is the way to wait for a certain action to process or complete. The promise has the following states: Pending…
To start your career in website development, the first thing you need to choose is the programming language. Below mentioned are some of the…
We can use tables to structure data in columns and rows. The table is the HTML way to layout the data. The CSS way to create layout in web…
The react hook is the function that allows you to use the state and react feature from the function base component (FOC). It provides you…
Flexbox is one-dimensional layout that allow the content to sit side-by-side. To understand about flexbox, consider the below structure of…
CSS grid is the most powerful layout system available. It makes life easy to layout content in 2-dimension. It allows you to layout content…
HSL stand for Hue, Saturation and lightness. In most of the photo editing software, it is used to adjust the color of the graphic as shown…
SAAS (software-as-a-service) products are the software that makes customer life/work easy and could be accessed via the Internet or offline…
React is the most popular JavaScript library for building the user interface. In React, we create reusable UI components and render these…
React is a JavaScript library for building User Interface. There are different way to create a react application. Here, I can option three…
The float CSS property places an element on the left or right side with respect to other elements, allowing text and inline elements to wrap…
Layout in CSS makes your content sit in a row or column. A Flexible layout helps to fit more content in less space. Below are the ways in…
API (Application Programming Interface) is just like the radio where you tune the frequency to listen to specific FM’s. You don’t care about…
In this tutorial, we build a page that responds on scroll. Here are the things that we will cover in this tutorial. Click to navigate to the…
CSS (cascading style sheet) is used to style HTML elements. CSS Box Model → CSS Varibles → Pseudo-Classes In CSS CSS Positioning - Absolute…
Github is the server way for a version control system using Git, tracks your files, and helps coordinate on project files among a group of…
The fundamental ingredient for website development are HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Let’s understand what each stand for… HTML is the markup…
Javascript is a language that’s understood by the browser. It is used to load dynamic content without refreshing the page. You need to make…
In HTML, Canvas is like a whiteboard and we can draw on canvas using Javascript. In HTML, we can define canvas as below: We can draw on…
The CSS animation is the smooth transition of an object from one style to another. There are different ways to do animation in CSS as below…
Regular expressions (Regex) are patterns used to match set of strings. Below mentioned are some of the use case of Regex. Find and Replace…
You can customize the scrollbar in CSS using pseudo-elements with WebKit browsers. You can use the following pseudo-elements in CSS to…
HTML forms are used for user input/interaction. We can style the HTML form using CSS. In this blog, we style the HTML form with a search…
We can consider HTML elements as boxes that take some area. Area of HTML element can be sum as below: Content of HTML element Space from the…
Images are visuals that display on the browser. Responsive image responds to different screen size and pixel ratio. In HTML, we can define…
There are millions of websites on the internet, struggling to rank on the first page of Google for traffic keywords. Ranking in Google is a…
HTML Link in the website is used to navigates from page to page. We can define an attribute on the HTML link to make it more meaningful. The…
Javascript is used to add content dynamically without refreshing the page while HTML and CSS load the content on the initial page load. HTML…
To learn about web development in 2021, you have to understand what makes up the websites. In the blog, we cover the fundamental concepts to…
The setTimeout and setInterval functions in JavaScript can schedule the task. We main difference between setTimeout and setInterval…
Javascript is an object-oriented programming language and was designed to add interactivity to HTML pages. For DOM manipulation, we can…
We can use the blob object in JavaScript to preview an image. It is useful in scenarios when you want your user to preview the image post…
The blob object in javascript used to represent the raw data with different media types (MIME Type). We can use blob as a file system and…
Javascript is used for dynamic content appearing without refreshing the page and interactivity to HTML pages. Javascript could be used to…
Data attribute allows storing/embed an extra bit of information private in HTML elements. The data-* attributes consist of two parts…
The disabled attribute is used to disable the user from interaction (e.g. typing and selecting) of HTML elements. In CSS, we can style the…
CSS variables are the value that can be reused throughout the entire document and it saves from the reputation of values. We can also create…
CSS is used to style the HTML elements. We can assign the style property to HTML elements by targeting their class name and ID. Also, we can…
Media queries used to assign custom styling based on the browser screen size. For example, we can adjust the font color of text on desktop…
We can define regular expressions to match the patterns in strings. To validate the email address, we can define the regex expression for…
There are different ways to loop in an array using JavaScript. In JavaScript, we use the loop to iterate over an array. We will discuss two…
Let’s break down the word as JAM, stack. JAM means Javascript, API, and markup. The Jamstack is a modern way of developing applications…
Conditional Statements execute certain operations based on logic. In Javascript, we can execute the conditional statements in three (3) ways…
In JavaScript, we have 5 types of primitive data types: string number boolean null undefined The primitive data type in javascript has a…
You can combine arrays in Javascript in two ways: (ES5 version) Spread operation / destructuring (ES6 version) So, let suppose you have…
The environment variables are the secrets that you don’t want to share in public. We need to create the environment variable that is…
There are tons of resources on the internet where you can find and create photos and videos for your content. I have mentioned some of the…
Let’s explain this to you by a story. A person was working hard continuously for the morning. Someone asked him what are you doing. He…
In short, create-react-app is not good for SEO. why? create-react-app is a SPA(single page application). In a SPA, all necessary HTML…
Build A Standout Website With Gatsby, Sanity, And Stripe 👆👆👆
On the internet, there are plenty of resources and too many disciplines that might confuse you at first. You have to spend a lot of time…
Environment Variable works differently in create-react-app. To access the environment variable in your app, you have to add the prefix…
Documentation of your repo will help you in many aspects. When you link your repo to the hiring team, they will better understand what your…
Remote Jobs helps you to eliminate the 9-5 working hours of the office and you can earn extra money. But finding remote jobs is not as easy…
Searching for remote jobs is a convenient way to work remotely at home or while traveling. Here are a few reasons to look for remote jobs…
Javascript has a built-in object called . object in Javascript is used to work with Date and Time. In Javascript, we use the below command…
NodeJs is open sources, cross-platform run-time environment for writing server-side application. To start writing your Node js script, you…
Good writing is about explaining the reader the exact scenario of the scene. Explain the things in writing by writing a complete sentence…
Google is one of the most popular search engines. We use Google to search for different queries. Below we cover some tips and tricks to…
Markdown is the lightweight, plain text language that you can use to add formatting to your document. The best part of Markdown is that you…
SEO is search engine optimization which helps to reach better ranking in search engine like GOOGLE, YAHOO, and BING, etc. The search engine…
Question May be arising in your mind about WordPress and I will answer one by one. Why we use WordPress? WordPress is a CMS(Content…