How to setup the environment variable in Next.js

The environment variables are the secrets that you don’t want to share in public. We need to create the environment variable that is accessible to both the client and server-side function in Next.js

For this, create a .env file that is load initially when the next.js run with command build or in development. Also, You can specify .env.local (if you are working locally on your system). In the .env file specify your environment variable as below:


Now, the REACT_APP_BACKENDURL environment variable will load during the build and development process. But… It is only accessible in server-side function in Next.js, not client-side.

For a client-side environment variable, create a file next.config.js. In the next.config.js file specify your environment variable as below.

module.exports = {
    env: {

Now, your environment variable is set up both on the client and server-side of Next.js. You just need to restart the server with the command using npm run dev, or npm run build.

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